War stats

The Ballas (103) vs Grove Street (83)

Turf ID: 14
Time: 1199 seconds
Date: 2024-04-10 20:19:58
Winner: The Ballas
Valid: yes
Username Faction Score Kills Deaths Time on turf
hutt Grove Street 10 10 7 1562s
Iulian.V5TSA Grove Street -2.5 4 7 1158s
L0VEPHENOMEN Grove Street -6.5 1 9 900s
ERROR00XB Grove Street 5 9 6 861s
dumboprotein Grove Street -0.5 3 9 846s
maikel Grove Street 7.5 10 5 817s
Dusk Grove Street 12.5 9 1 762s
.batman Grove Street 3 8 8 758s
.NightWolf Grove Street -4 5 14 691s
Mos.TIGERr Grove Street -5.5 1 9 595s
cid2 Grove Street -2 2 5 592s
forestsp Grove Street 0 1 3 363s
windows Grove Street 5.5 7 2 0s
marian321 Grove Street 0 0 0 0s
Username Faction Score Kills Deaths Time on turf
TWISTSENPAi The Ballas 2.5 3 3 656s
Ruf.A2 The Ballas 16.5 14 2 650s
edionyOfficialNR1 The Ballas 4 6 5 620s
oreoSiLENT The Ballas 11.5 10 3 596s
alex_INTEGRAL The Ballas 8.5 7 4 574s
kagoget The Ballas -1.5 2 5 512s
jasoNN. The Ballas -1 3 6 505s
PATRiXzAUR The Ballas 2 6 5 489s
jocdeglezne The Ballas 1 2 5 485s
TEOD$TROYER The Ballas 11 12 5 457s
LeleBiGBO$$ The Ballas 0 2 4 447s
GangstasParadise The Ballas 6 7 4 435s
danu27vtm The Ballas 1.5 5 7 425s
6st The Ballas 7 9 4 310s
Daniel1543 The Ballas 2 7 8 294s
Lupau The Ballas -0.5 0 1 134s