War stats

The Ballas (48) vs Grove Street (15)

Turf ID: 39
Time: 1199 seconds
Date: 2024-04-24 21:30:29
Winner: The Ballas
Valid: yes
Username Faction Score Kills Deaths Time on turf
NightKezy Grove Street 8 0 4 897s
Why Grove Street 0.5 4 6 495s
.NightWolf Grove Street -0.5 2 5 312s
maikel Grove Street 4.5 8 4 226s
hoeslovesdinamyc. Grove Street -3 1 4 30s
IonSmecheru..V2.. Grove Street 0 0 0 0s
Username Faction Score Kills Deaths Time on turf
codrut@SPORTMODE The Ballas 4.5 3 2 943s
Babulache101 The Ballas 4 4 2 926s
dumboPROTEiN The Ballas 2.5 4 2 924s
Mos.TIGERr The Ballas 0 2 2 924s
TeddiSENPAi The Ballas 5.5 5 1 889s
l0vephenomen The Ballas 3 2 0 880s
1cata The Ballas 4 4 0 773s
sinnerBETTERthanU The Ballas 1.5 1 0 768s
wattdaw The Ballas 1.5 2 1 709s
.batman The Ballas 1 2 3 593s
cid The Ballas -1.5 0 2 286s
sebiK47 The Ballas 0 0 0 0s