War stats

The Rifa (124.062) vs The Ballas (135.233)

Turf ID: 0
Time: 0 seconds
Date: 2020-02-07 20:00:00
Winner: The Ballas
Valid: yes
Username Faction Score Kills Deaths Time on turf
Adelin1_YTB The Ballas 12 19 7 0s
BuRRoWS The Ballas 8 12 4 0s
DinuAndreyOfficial The Ballas 5 8 3 0s
azogLL The Ballas 4 10 6 0s
KenT[.] The Ballas 3 7 4 0s
Razvi.ATENTAT The Ballas 3 8 5 0s
MaryXD The Ballas 3 6 3 0s
B.G.D07 The Ballas 3 10 7 0s
HovSep The Ballas 2 11 9 0s
Mando The Ballas 0 0 0 0s
8xDANYx8 The Ballas 0 0 0 0s
CmL@OneManArmy The Ballas 0 0 0 0s
SlabaNNNNN The Ballas 0 4 4 0s
Odon The Ballas -1 7 8 0s
Sp1keSs The Ballas -1 0 1 0s
Sol3Ph The Ballas -3 2 5 0s
MasterDiamond The Ballas -3 1 4 0s
CTC The Ballas -3 1 4 0s
Icelow The Ballas -5 2 7 0s
MihaiVerzea The Ballas -5 2 7 0s
ThunderRov2 The Ballas -5 3 8 0s
KeNzZ@ONEMARY The Ballas -5 2 7 0s
Username Faction Score Kills Deaths Time on turf
Garray The Rifa 9 29 20 0s
VolP The Rifa 9 20 11 0s
ZenkBoxed The Rifa 6 16 10 0s
[IYF]InYourF4ce The Rifa -1 13 14 0s
Strapazzi The Rifa -2 3 5 0s
Asaky The Rifa -3 7 10 0s
Kaddy. The Rifa -7 3 10 0s
Tudoric The Rifa -10 5 15 0s
MariusRPG The Rifa -11 5 16 0s